Houston TX Home Lockout
When you're locked out of your home, you don't have the time or the desire to research reputable, reasonably priced locksmiths. That's why you should take down our number, right now - before you need it. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We'll respond immediately, give you our estimated arrival time, and arrive in a marked vehicle you'll be able to recognize. All of our locksmiths carry identification, so feel free to ask for it.
When we rekey your home, you can keep your old locks, but only your new keys will be able to open your doors. That way, if a previous owner kept a spare key or gave a key to a friend, neighbor, realtor, or contractor they can no longer access your house. In cases of divorce, we recommend you have your locks re-keyed as soon as possible. Re-keying your locks before there is a problem can prevent you from walking into your home and finding your ex in your living room. Residential services include lock out services, new lock installation and repairs, re-keying and master key services.